Monday, March 1, 2010

One Dumb Ass Pimp

Ya know Mr. Shafer be on this blog all over tha place.

Being bitch slapped and for being a POTW for talkin out his ass on everything that get's posted to Avvo Answers.

After a while, it gotta make you wonder - do this white bread mofo got a clue at all? Is he an attorney? For real !!!???

For instance, take this question that draws him in like a crack ho lookin for a nut.

Gotta get dem points - regardless if it may him look like a stupid ass cracka only out to pimp his scoreboard points.

And, this ain't the only time Mr. Shafer be puttin out the "I dunno what you're asking -but imma get some points" response. Take a look at his answers. Maybe he should go on Montel Williams or Dr. Phil - cuz, homeslice seems to be better at providing personal advice than legal advice.

Mr. Shafer's profile also now shows him to be a "PRO". PRO what?? Pro Pimp Ass Bitch?

Although, I do agree with his slogan - DO NOT GO TO COURT WITHOUT A GOOD ATTORNEY. Too bad it ain't him.

We need a new prize for this kind of crap - Let me know what I should call it. Post it in the comments.


  1. Call it the Eddie Murphy Award. In 1997, Murphy got stopped driving around with a tranny prostitute in his car.

    Murphy's ho wasn't no woman... and Shafer's responses ain't no answers.

    By the way, the Pro thing is advertising, which is supposed to make it easier for clients to contact you (like clicking on the link to find my phone number is too hard to figure out). I signed up for a few months and dumped it, after getting lots of calls and email from people who live hundreds of miles away and want to talk with me about their case in detail.

  2. By the way, here's part of the text of my Avvo PRO cancellation letter:

    "I would like to cancel my Avvo Pro subscription. It hasn't generated any new clients, just a big increase in contacts from people who are looking for free advice and don't even live in counties where I practice.

    "I also see no point in paying for an enhanced listing when Avvo allows some lawyers to get an even more visibility for free by spamming your answer forums with responses that range from vague 'You need to hire a lawyer' copy and paste boilerplate, to incorrect answers to questions outside their area of practice and in states where they aren't licensed."

  3. It's too bad that this is no longer active...There are so many new Avvo targets out there....

  4. Avvo is a scam. Advertised with them for years; fooled into believing their hype. My guess is it's run by 3-5 "lawyers" who go to the bank on uninformed consumers of legal services AND advertising. Let's find Mark Britton and Suke Jawanda and get some answers!
