Monday, March 28, 2011

Pimp O'tha Year - Nominations Now Being Taken

With my extended hiatus at the State Correctional Sandals resort over, I am back to get my Avvo Pimp stick out and beat some ass.

But, since it's been awhile to see what mack's being stirring up the pot, I need to get you to tell me - Who's Pimpin it at Avvo?

I already see Mr. Brinkmeier be using his cut and paste (or having his ghostbloggers posting again) - going from 10,000 answers about 1 year ago to over 21,000.

But, I need to know who be trying to take down da King? Let me know and then - we'll put out a poll on who should be tha Pimp O' that Year for for 2010.

Pimp O' tha Week

Now, I gotta give it up for tha playa's who got that entrepreneurial spirit. One's that know you ain't gonna get paid if you ain't got no bidness comin in.

But, DAYAMMM...How the Hell do a homeboy make over 21,000 answers.

Look for yo self.

In my last note to y'all,  I show how Mr. Brinkmeier think he be a Doctor now.

Homeboy also be doin all the typical AVVO Pimp stuff, like posting answers in states he ain't licensed, posting in practice areas he doesn't practice in, and just being a overall Answhore.

So, in recognition of Mr. Brinkmeier's in yo face AVVO Pimpin, I award Mr. Brinkmeier da Pimp O' tha Week cup.

Callin Dr. Brinkmeier. Callin Dr. Brinkmeier

Is this mack an attorney - or a doctor?

Maybe he be tryin to Pimp both the Attorney and Doctor site. What's that mean? Mo' Points - Mo Points.

AND - he aint licensed in TX to do EITHER. Shiiit

I got some more for this foo.

I'm Back Y'all


Being in da Pen ain't no joke. Now it's time to get back to the straight jack Pimpin....