Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pardon Me While I Whip This Out

Welcome to what I believe is the first blog dedicated to calling out all those Avvo pimps. You know who I mean. Those mac daddie's/momma's that gotta get dem points. Gotta get they props, by any means necessary*. Like:

  • Posting to states they ain't licensed in
  • Pasting the same jive ass template answers to every damn thing they can
  • Tellin the peeps - "find a local attorney".  Duh !!??
  • Piggybacking answers with "I agree with the previous response".

If I go to Sizzler, do you think I want tofu? Hell no.

So why is it that all these Pimps that answer questions to peeps questions with "I don't practice in your state" or "I concur" think they are giving an answer worth a damn? They aint. They just PIMPIN.

So, this blog will call out those folks that have taken the Avvo pimpin action to the next level.

I know some ya'll say "Hey, don't hate the playa, hate the game". You right. But, a pimp is still a pimp and needs to be called out once in a while.

Now  - who's your daddy?

* Translation - attorney's who try to increase their avvo attorney rating by answering questions on the site by unscrupulous means


  1. Cool, never take yourself to seriously because no one else will.

  2. To clarify - answering questions and posting legal guides does not contribute in any way to an attorney's Avvo Rating.

    Also, please mark less-than-useful answers as "unhelpful" or "objectionable." We want to make the answers feature as helpful as possible, but with thousands of answers every week we rely heavily on community input to detect abuses.

    Josh from Avvo

  3. Why not simply limit the ability of lawyers who are not licensed in a given jurisdiction from answering questions from people in a jurisdiction where they do not practice? I mean why create a system that is ripe for the possibility of unauthorized practice of law by its very structure? A nationwide (or likely international) discussion of legal matters with members of the public who may not understand how different the law is from state to state will result in confusion.

    Yes, answering questions does not factor into the Avvo rating on one's profile, but does confer increases a "contribution score." In other words, keep adding content to the Avvo site and they'll reward you with kibble.

    And may I say, again, why does Avvo solely rely on "community input" to detect abuse and misinformation on the site. Doesn't Avvo take any responsibility at all?
